
2014 08 15 Integral Movement in Europe by Brian van der Horst

I’ve attended four unusual conferences in the past two months that demonstrate the wide range of sophistication, currency and effectiveness of the Integral Movement in Europe :

 - 1.618 Sustainable Luxury,” which hosted the kick-off of the Cradle to Cradle community in France; 

- the “Cog Lab, a start-up tech incubator in the hot quarter of Saint Denis;” 

- the Integral European Conference (in Budapest, the Paris of Mitteleuropa); 

- and back in Paris the Society for Learning’s “SOL Global Forum. ”

by Brian van der Horst              Link : http://integralleadershipreview.com/11682-815-coglab-2-paris/


2014 08 18 FUTUR OF WORK : 47 percent of jobs were at risk of becoming automated in the next two decades.

The Economist set off alarm bells when it noted in a story on the future of work that 47 percent of jobs were at risk of becoming automated in the next two decades. Telemarketers. Retail salespeople. Commercial pilots. Economists. Even actors and editors. Like it or not, the robots are coming, and sooner or later they'll probably come for your job.