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2016 12 30 Discovering FlexibleLove
FlexibleLove is a medium of self-expression. Supported by a unique honeycomb structure, FlexibleLove expands and folds with creative ease, transforming any area into an interplay of space and your aesthetic vision.
2015 12 26 為歡慶年末,信鴿法國書店邀請法國藝術家─麥克‧沙洛夫-考斯特,來與我們分享他的詩作和繪畫。
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Sophie Hong diva at the tenth edition of Taiwan Culture Festival offers music, silk, puppets and creative brands
The festival will feature Paris-based fashion diva Sophie Hong, who will present her silk design to the city she is indebted to for her success.
"My encounter with Xiangyun silk started with a piece of cloth I came across at a Chinese emporium here in Hong Kong," Hong recalled prior to her show, which opens tomorrow at Midtown in Causeway Bay.
"This show has gone around the world but it is not a fashion show, but one that promotes Chinese cultural education and aesthetics."
Xiangyun silk, she said, was made of natural minerals and plants dating as far back as the Ming Dynasty.
2015 12 16 Meeting with Sophie Hong in Taipei
Born in Taiwan, Sophie Hong developed a passion for clothes very early in life. Everything really began for her in 1977, when she received her diploma in Fashion and Design from the Shih Chien College in Taipei. She aspired to master her chosen craft completely, and knew that she must travel abroad in order to learn more than she could at home. With this in mind, she went to study at the Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo, Japan.
Serons-nous un jour immortels ? PAR GÉRARD AYACHE LE 15 DECEMBRE 2015
Dans moins de quinze ans seront vraisemblablement avérées les prophéties de ceux qui annonçent la victoire sur la mort et le triomphe d’une forme de vie non biologique. Le slogan de Google « nous allons tuer la mort » n’est pas qu’une formule publicitaire. Car les technologies déchainées avancent inexorablement vers le moment où nous serons plus qu’humains. De la réparation de nos organes à leur fabrication, de la collection de nos pensées à leur téléchargement sur des formes artificielles, le jour n’est pas très loin où nous pourrons déclarer que nous avons aboli la mort. Que nous avons accompli le rêve prométhéen d’immortaliser ce qu’il y a de plus précieux en nous.
2015 12 14 Visiting in Taipei : Research and Innovation-Incubation Center (RIIC) is the NCCU’s new multifunctional space.
Research and Innovation-Incubation Center (RIIC) is the NCCU’s new multifunctional space. It is combined with creativity, education, research and incubation, and it builds the channel to transform knowledge and research into the application of society by sharing the space.
RIIC not only provides the support of hardware space, we are also dedicated to being service-oriented that combine with the power of enterprise, industry, institution of research, and the knowledge of university. By doing so, we can establish the interdisciplinary platform between humanities and technology, then develop the new area for research.
RIIC not only build the channel of creativity, education, research and incubation, and we also hope to create the boom of entrepreneurship of NCCU students, finally build the platform of innovational entrepreneurship.
2015 12 14 21 Disruptive Trends in Technology & Society in 2015
A disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market leaders and alliances. - 1995
(10 years later......)
What Disruption Feels like in 2015 ?
The Climate Path Ahead By ANDREW C. REVKIN NY Times Opinion, DEC. 12, 2015
The Climate Path Ahead
PhotoThe slogan "For the Planet" was projected on the Eiffel Tower on Friday as part of the COP 21, the climate conference in Paris. Credit Francois Mori/Associated Press
At the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 23 years ago, the world’s nations adopted a treaty that pledged, but ultimately failed, to cut the emissions driving global warming. In Paris over the last two weeks, negotiators from around the world met for the 21st time since then in an effort to move from aspiration to action.
As legions of bleary-eyed diplomats, environmentalists and lobbyists make their way home across the planet, you’ll hear proclamations that COP 21, as the meeting was called, was a historic turning point, and a profound failure.
Both will be right, depending on the scale of reference.
For the first time, even before the opening gavel, more than 180 nations, large and small, submitted plans — yes, voluntary ones — to divert from their carbon-based business as usual. The United States and China guaranteed progress by stepping together a year ago in Beijing after more than a decade of “you first” fights, laying out detailed domestic plans to curb emissions.
Pope Francis has made it clear that the decisions ahead, while informed by data, will be shaped by values.
Francis was variously embraced and attacked for his critique of consumptive capitalism in his encyclical. But what was missed was his important call for accepting a diversity of approaches to addressing the climate problem.
“[T]here is no one path to a solution,” Francis wrote. “This makes a variety of proposals possible, all capable of entering into dialogue with a view to developing comprehensive solutions.”
That is precisely how the Paris outcome has been framed and how the world will, with urgency and patience, success and failure, forge ahead.
Entretien avec Laurie Segall (CNN) : ce que pensent les Américains de l’écosystème français
Incontournable média outre-atlantique et dans le monde, CNN est reconnu, à travers sa déclinaison CNNMoney, pour sa capacité à identifier de nombreuses startups, principalement américaines, devenues des géants. Sa correspondante Laurie Segall a notamment identifié très tôt pour la chaîne, Uber ou encore Instagram.
Présente a Paris, elle s’est prêtée au jeu de l’interview le temps d’une vidéo afin de partager sa vision de l’écosystème américain et ce qu’elle pense de notre écosystème tricolore.
This is one of the biggest, most complicated scientific challenges of our time.
“The scenario you seen in a Hollywood movie, in which some isolated guy in Alaska comes up with a fully-functional AI system that nobody else is anywhere close to is completely impossible,” LeCun said, “This is one of the biggest, most complicated scientific challenges of our time, and not any single entity, even a big company can solve it by itself. It has to be a collaborative effort between the entire research and development community.”
La COP21, versant artistique Le | 02.12.2015 à 15h42 • Mis à jour le 03.12.2015 à 15h08 |
La tenue de la COP21 à Paris a fédéré les envies dans le champ artistique : les initiatives se sont multipliées du côté des artistes comme des institutions pour mettre en résonance les problématiques climatiques ou pour s’engager plus directement sur les enjeux environnementaux. Voici une sélection de douze projets, expositions, initiatives à découvrir au cours du sommet.
L'éducation, levier majeur et point aveugle de la transition vers des sociétés durables. Pierre Calame.
Dans les travaux de prospective présentés dans le livre 2100, Récit du prochain siècle (1990), Thierry Gaudin pressent l'émergence d'une ère de « sauvages urbains », face à une société incapable de leur proposer sens et insertion sociale, dont nous ne sortirions que par un énorme effort mondial d'éducation. Nous y voilà.
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