


 07h00-08h30 Petit déjeuner à l'hotel Creekside Inn 3400 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California 94306.

08h30-08h45  Acceuil at Enterprise Development Group 930 Roble Ridge Road  Palo Alto,CA. 94306

08h45-11h00 God and Contemporary Science In this Templeton Award-winning presentation, Philip Clayton defends the continuing viability of theistic belief in an age of science. Designed as an introduction to the field of religion and science, this book covers many of the major topics and thinkers in the contemporary discussion. It defends in particular a panentheistic doctrine of God as the theological position that best reconciles divine action and contemporary science. Panentheism, on Clayton’s view, is the doctrine that the world exists within the divine, although God is also more than the world.
Philip Clayton is the Ingraham Professor at Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California. Clayton has taught or held research professorships at Williams College, California State University, Harvard University, Cambridge University, and the University of Munich. His research focuses on biological emergence, religion and science, process studies, and contemporary issues in ecology, religion, and ethics. He is the recipient of multiple research grants and international lectureships, as well as the author of numerous books, including The Predicament of Belief: Science, Philosophy, Faith (2011); Religion and Science: The Basics (2011); Transforming Christian Theology: For Church and Society (2009); and In Quest of Freedom: The Emergence of Spirit in the Natural World (2009). He also edited The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science (2006). In books and lectures, Clayton works to formulate constructive theological responses to developments in contemporary science and philosophy. He has also been a leading advocate for comparative theology and the internationalization of the science-religion dialogue. As P.I. of the “Science and the Spiritual Quest” program and as Provost of a multi-faith university, he worked to expand these fields to include Muslim and Jewish scholars, the Dharma traditions of India, and the religious traditions of Southeast Asia.
 Complexity” is therefore not (yet?) the Grand Unified Theory of cosmic evolution, a single scientific framework adequate to describe all physical processes. Complexity does not increase in a simple, straight-line fashion, any more than entropy does. Nor are all emergent properties more complex than the lower-level systems that produced them. We recognize that simpler systems combine to produce new, more complex systems. But we don’t currently have sufficiently general language to describe and quantify this process. This is one of the great scientific puzzles of our day.

11h00- 12h00 Promenade dans le parc adjacent. Discution tournante avec chacun des participants.

12h00 13H00 Déjeuner avec EDG Lisa Friedman, Hermann Gear et Bill Zhao . Restaurant chinois Su Hong Eatery 4256 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California 94306 Tel : 650-493-3836. Réserver la grande table ronde.

13h00-14h30 China and the Silicon Valey Une réunion exeptionnelle ou nous decouvrons la manière donc la chine aborde la Silicon Valey avec l'associé chinois de EDG Bill Zhao. Ce sera aussi l'occasion de préparer aussi notre futur voyage en chine.
China  Fast Growing Overseas Investment :
       World’s second largest economy
       World’s fastest economic growth
       One of world’s largest sources of foreign direct investment and trade
       Chinese enterprises are looking for investments in the Silicon Valley and other business cooperation

14h30-16h00 Débriefing de L'ensemble de séminaire, réponse aux questions et préparation des plans d'actions opérationnels pour le futur.  Projet de développement des deux Start Up : Nudge et YourAvatar. Synthèse de l'ensemble du séminaire par Jean Charles Cailliez.

16h00-20h00 Suite et fin de la visit de Cantor avec les amis et experts Français et Américan de la Silicon Valley.
Apéritif et diner au Cool Cafe à Stanford.

Soirée de cloture at Enterprise Development Group 930 Roble Ridge Road  Palo Alto,CA. 94306

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