
2015 11 3_5 WISE Summit will convene on November 3-5, in Doha, Qatar. We strongly believe that innovation in education will become an increasingly important subject in 2015

Dear Mr. Saloff Coste,
We would like to wish you all the best for the coming year. We strongly believe that innovation in education will become an increasingly important subject in 2015 and that the WISE Community will continue to play a central, active role in helping to build the future of education globally.
We are delighted to inform you that the 2015 WISE Summit will convene on November 3-5in Doha, Qatar. The registration process will open late February 2015. In order to be notified as soon as registration opens, we encourage you to pre-apply online here.
We are also pleased to present a video of the WISE 2014 Highlights, which you can watch on our YouTube channel. If you wish to dig deeper into WISE, please visit our Website where you will find articles covering the Summit from the international media.

With all best wishes.
The WISE Team

WISE in the Media - 2014

WISE in the Media - 2014

WISE in the Media - 2014

Members of the media play a unique role in the WISE community. Through their work they have the power to influence the debate – to highlight  the importance of education and to engage those stakeholders whose decisions and actions will impact individuals and communities for years to come.

"The WISE Summit is unusual in that it brings together both decision-makers and professionals working in the field from a wide variety of sectors, both public and private, to share ideas and best practices."

"The annual WISE Prize was created by the Gulf state of Qatar as a kind of Nobel prize for education, recognising innovation and achievement for educational projects."

UK girls' education campaigner wins global prize

"Creativity is the theme of the three-day conference, which is being attended by 1,500 teachers, academics and education experts from across the globe."

Schools are killing creativity, says professor

"At a ceremony in Doha, Qatar, (Ann Cotton) was named as this year’s Wise Prize laureate – an award that has come to be regarded as the equivalent to a Nobel Prize in education (…) Yesterday the Prime Minister hailed her work. David Cameron said: “The scale and impact of the work she has done through Camfed to educate millions of girls and young women in Africa is simply remarkable."

Honour for Ann Cotton, the British teacher who educated a million African girls

"La profesora jordana (Rana Dajani) participó la semana pasada en la Cumbre Mundial para la Innovación en Educación (WISE), que congrega en Doha (Qatar) a más de 1.500 personas (…). We Love Reading ganó uno de los premios a iniciativas concretas, de 20.000 dólares. Ahora que empiezan a ser conocidos, reciben mensajes y llamadas de otros puntos del mundo que les imitan: zonas indígenas mexicanas, empresas de Turquía… Dajani nunca pensó llegar tan lejos."

"The Jordanian professor (Rana Dajani) participated last week at the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), which brings in Doha (Qatar) to more than 1,500 people (...). We Love Reading won one of the awards for specific initiatives, consisting in $20,000. Now they are becoming well-known, they receive messages and calls from other parts of the world that imitate them: from Mexican indigenous areas to companies from Turkey... Dajani never thought they were going to be so far."

"Ann Cotton, fondatrice et présidente de l’ONG Camfed, est la lauréate du prix WISE – sorte de « Nobel » de l’éducation qui récompense, chaque année depuis 2011, lors du sommet Wise organisé par la Fondation du Qatar, une personnalité ou une équipe pour son engagement au service de l’éducation."

Ann Cotton, founder and president of the NGO Camfed is the winner of the 2014 WISE Prize - sort of "Nobel" of education that awards every year, since 2011, a personality or a team for their commitment to education.

Rien n’a plus d’effets pour une nation que la scolarisation des filles

"(...) 2014 WISE Prize, espécie de Nobel da educação oferecido pela Fundação Qatar. (...)Cerca de 1.800 pessoas de todo o mundo participam da conferência organizada pela Fundação Qatar. Durante os três dias de evento, pesquisadores e profissionais da área trocarão experiências. Seis projetos inovadores também serão premiados."

"WISE Prize is an equivalent of a Nobel Prize for Education.(...). Around 1.8 thousand people participate in the yearly event, organized by Qatar Foundation. For three days, researchers and professionals exchange their experiences, and another six projects are awarded."

Britânica que criou projeto de educação feminina na África ganha o WISE Prize

جائزة وايز للتعليم جائزة عالمية تهدف إلى رفع مستوى الوعي العالمي بأهمية التعليم في المجتمعات كافة والرقي به إلى مستوى المجالات المحتفى بها عالميا عاى غرار الاقتصاد والسلام
"The WISE Prize for Education aims to enhance the status of education by giving it similar prestige to other areas for which international prizes exist."


"WISE is one of the most important events for global education. The Majlis area, where attendees can get first-hand experience of new pedagogies, is very impressive.

WISE主席:求高分全世界很普遍 应有科学评价体系

"An innovation and a community-led education programmes which have already benefitted over three million children in poverty in five African countries - Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi gets the highest innovation in education award the fourth WISE Prize for Education Laureate on Tuesday."

Ann Cotton gets WISE Prize for Education Laureate for changing the lives of 3 million poverty ridden African girls

"WISE (World Innovation Summit for Education), um dos principais eventos internacionais de educação"

WISE is one of the world's main international events for education"

A escola deveria parecer um parque de diversões, diz educador

تسلّمت آن كوتون جائزة وايز للتعليم "باسم مليون فتاة تتعهد "كامفيد" متابعة تعليمهن في السنوات الخمس المقبلة"...
"Ann Cotton received the WISE Prize on behalf of 5 million girls that "Camfed" is engaged to help during the 5 upcoming years..."

"مؤتمر القمة العالمي للابتكار في التعليم (وايز)، وهو مبادرة دولية رائدة تتيح التفكير الخلاق والنقاش والعمل الهادف من أجل بناء مستقبل التعليم من خلال الابتكار"

"The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), a leading international initiative driving innovation and collaboration in education"


"The consensus among education experts who attended this year’s World Innovation Summit for Education (Wise) in Doha, Qatar, was that the global education system needs to evolve and move the emphasis from IQ to other aspects of a child’s life."

"…важен и вклад WISE в осмысление процессов, происходящих в образовании. Ведущей тенденцией XXI века была признана ставка на развитие творческого потенциала учащихся."

WISE showed how important the investment in education processes is by highlighting the creative development of students as one of the primary trends of the 21st century”

Нужна ли России креативная школа?

"Experts meeting in Doha to probe ways to instill innovation and creative actions into school curricula all agreed that those two traits were important in forming the character of the students who would become more successful later in life."

"We must find new resources to confront the fast-evolving challenges to education systems around the world, and we can only succeed by drawing upon the well-spring of creativity that has fuelled progress throughout history,” said WISE Chairman Sheikh Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani"

Education forum held in Qatar

"El Centro Nacional de Convenciones de Qatar (…) alberga desde el 2009 una de las mayores cumbres de educación del planeta: WISE. Este año reunió del 4 al 6 de noviembre a más de 1.500 participantes, incluyendo pensadores y profesionales de la educación, representantes de Gobiernos, organizaciones no gubernamentales, líderes del sector privado y empresarios sociales."

The National Convention Centre of Qatar (...) houses since 2009 one of the highest summits on education in the world: WISE. This year this event gathered, from 4th to 6th November, more than 1,500 participants, including thinkers and education professionals, representatives of governments, NGOs, private sector leaders and social entrepreneurs."

Medicina, investigación y arte: Qatar se prepara para un futuro sin petrodólares


WISE Prize for Education recognizes the best educational practitioners in the world and inspires more innovative thoughts.”


"Through both the annual Summit and a range of ongoing programs WISE is promoting innovation and building the future of education through collaboration"


"WISE, que se ha consolidado como un evento de prestigio internacional centrado en la innovación y la creatividad en el ámbito educativo, ha reunido, bajo el lema “Imagina-crea-aprende: La creatividad en el centro de la educación”, a más de 1.500 participantes procedentes de más de 100 países.

"WISE, which is positioned as a prestigious international event focused on innovation and creativity in education, brought together under the slogan "Imagine-Create-Learn: Creativity at the heart of Education", more than 1,500 participants from over 100 countries.”

"WISE promueva a escala mundial la participación de todos los sectores implicados en la enseñanza, tanto a nivel empresarial como desde las propias instituciones educativas, así como los líderes de opinión, con el fin de promover conexiones entre todos ellos e intercambiar ideas y experiencias innovadoras que allanen el camino de acciones concretas en materia educativa."

"WISE globally promotes the participation of all sectors involved in teaching at business and educational institutions levels, as well as opinion leaders, to promote connections between them and exchange ideas and innovative experiences to smooth the way for concrete actions in educational area."

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