Journées de
préparation en amont à Munich 23.-24. Février. Claudine Villemot-Kienzle reçoit
Michel Saloff-Coste.
Préparation de
dernière mise au point: 12.-13. Mars.
Claudine Villemot-Kienzle reçoit Michel Saloff-Coste.
Samedi 14 Mars 2015
Arrivée à
Munich et temps libre, repas du soir en commun, prise de contact, lancement du
à l'hôtel:
Arrival in
Munich, free time and commun dinner, time to meet the group of participants.
Sauerlacher Post : Tel:
+49-8104830 Mail:, (Contact:
Frau Loeffler) est un petit Hôtel/Auberge typiquement baverois de bon confort à
environ une demi heure de trajet en S-Bahn du centre de Munich qui nous permet
de séjourner à Munich près de la maison de Mme Claudine Villemot et d'éviter
des prix d'hôtel très elevés au centre de Munich. The hotel is a small Inn in
typical Bavarian style with all comfort. The high speed train will bring us in
about half an hour to the center of
Munich. This hotel is situated very close to the home of Mme Claudine Villemot.
15. Mars 2015
07h 30 8h30 Petit déjeuner, breakfast.
08h30 11h00 Lancement du
séminaire: Présentation du programme. Présentation de chacun et de ses attentes.
Présentation par Claudine Villemot
d'un referentiel sur les systémes de valeur comme cadre d'analyse et outil de
communication pour apprehender le séjour an Allemagne et en Autriche. Analyse
des systèmes de valeur allemand. Influence des systèmes de valeur sur
l´expression économique dans le contexte BMW Welt. Eventuellement tests personnels d´analyse de
profiles mémétiques et échange. Exemple
d´innovation sociale et organisationnelle par la présentation d´une
organisation holomorphe fondée et dirigée en co-leadership par Claudine
Villemot. Claudine is presenting values
aproachs and we will use these framework for our communication and
understanding of this trip. Presentation of some German
values and typical behavours. Sharing an example of social
innovation with the presentation of an holistic organization founded and
managed in co-leadership by Claudine Villemot.
11h00-12h00 Jürgen
Greiner, ingénieur et économiste de formation. Il est sociétaire d´une petite
entreprise familiale exportant au niveau international. A ce titre il partagera
ses expériences et son point de vue sur le sujet des PME en Allemagne. Jürgen
Greiner, Engineering and economic sciences studies. As a shareholder in a
family enterprise with exports on an
international level, he will share his experiences and views around the topic
of small businesses in Germany.
Vers 11h 30 arrivée de
Janet Cesar à l'hôtel.
13h00 Déjeuner à l'hotel
14h00 Transfert au BMW Welt. 14h00 16h00
Visite du "BMW Welt" . You can
experience BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and the fascination of the BMW
Group in all its facets at BMW Welt.
16h30 17h30 Transfert à l'hotel.
17h30 18h30 Deux étudiants (informatique
et Economie) présentent leur start-up dans le domaine de l´éducation. Ils
partagent leur vision du futur de l´enseignement universitaire et un premier
prototype pour améliorer l´accès aux contenus et favoriser un apprentissage
collaboratif. Two students (Technology sciences and Economic sciences)
present their start up in the education field. They share their vision oft he
future of the academic teaching and a first prototype to improve the
access to contents and promote collaborative learning.18h30 19h30 Apéritif chez Claudine
Villemot et échange sur aspects de la culture allemande. Aperitif in the house
of Claudine Villemot.
19h30 20h30 Diner à l'hôtel Sauerlach Post et nuit à l'hôtel,
dinner in the hotel.
20h30 22h00 Projection du
film sur l'artiste allemand Gerhard Richter.
16 Mars 2015
08h30 Petit-déjeuner, breakfast
09h30 Transfert au Carlson Center, Leopoldstrasse 11, 089-218072352,transfer to
city center
11h00 Visite du Carlson Center Rachel Carson Center is a
joint initiative of LMU Munich and the Deutsches Museum. Generously supported
by the German Ministry of Research and Education, its goal is to further
research and discussion in the field of international environmental studies and
to strengthen the role of the humanities in the current political and
scientific debates about the environment.
30 CNC Munich, headquarter – Mme Katel Nicoux, Leopold Palais, Leopoldstr. 10,
089-599458-0. CNC is a leading consulting firm offering institutions, companies
and individuals advise on communications affecting decisions, valuation, change and
transfert by taxi to office Fraunhofer,
Hansastrasse 27c, Mme Marianne Hoffmann 089-1205-4714
1500 visite de Fraunhofer Academy Alliance of Scientific Organizations ?
with light lunch
16h00 Visite de la Galerie de Cornelia Walter et rencontre avec l'artiste X qui présente
ses peintures street art et parle de sa demarche. (Belgradstrasse 11, 089-18926193)
18h00 Conference dans le cadre de la Mairie de Munich sur les aspects
economiques de la ville de Munich
M. Sebastian John, Herzog-Wilhelm Str.
15, 089-233-24782
20h00 Courte visite du Hofbraeuhaus et diner au FRANZISKANER, brasserie typique
et repute, dinner in a typical bavarian brewery restaurant. (Residenzstrasse
9, 089-2318120)
Retour à l'hôtel Sauerlacher Post, return to hotel
22h00 Defriefing defriefing .
Mardi 17 Mars
07h30 08h30 Petit-déjeuner,
08h30 Départ en
voiture de Munich pour aller à Bad Aibling (ca. 45 min. drive by car)
Bains dans l'eau
thermale, piscinces interieurs et exterieurs. Bad Aibling is a historic place known
long before Romans settled there. In the 19th century the thermal
spring was organized to receive the first visitors. The spring water is naturally reach in sulfur with certified healing properties. Winning the Good Design Award
2009 for its architecture.
11h30 12H30 Déjeuner
à la Therme et depart pour Salzburg (ca. 1h30 de route).
Lunch and
departure for Salzburg (1h00 by car)
14h00 18h00 Salzburg
, free visite of the old town, coffe-house, museums, visite de la maison de
Mozart, prendre un "mélange" dans un café typique, visiter le musée
d'art moderne, visiter la veille ville.
18h00 19h00 Concert:
Orgelmeditation dans la cathédrale Dom am Domplatz , free admission
19h00 20h300 Diner
Salzbourg à l'Hôtel Goldener Hirsch, restaurant gastronomique
Hotel Goldener Hirsch, l'hôtel
mythique de Salzbourg, Getreidegasse 37,
20h30 21h30
Transfert Gmunden. Depart pour Gmunden (ca. 1h), departure for Gmunden in
Austria (ca. 1h by car) arrivée au lac de Traunsee et à Gmunden
Mail: Contact: Propriétare Junior: M. Michael Noestlinger. L'hôtel
Seehotel Schwan est idéalement situé au coeur de Gmunden et au bord du lac. Les
chambres avec balcon et vue directe sur
le lac sont très belles. Cet hotel dispose également d'un très bon restaurant
et d'une sale de conference. This hotel is situated in the hearth of Gmunden
and directly on the border of the lake. The rooms with balcony and viez oaver
the lake are very beautiful. The restaurant is serving excellent local and
international food. A conference room is available.
Mercredi 18 Mars
07h30 08h30 Petit-déjeuner,
08h30 09h00 Accueil
en Autriche par Elisabeth Stumpfoll, welcome to Austria
09h00 10h30 Visite
de la fabrique de fayence de Gmunden GMUNDNER KERAMIK, Keramikstr. 24,
Since the 17th
century Gmunden is a high place of pottery ceramics. Gmundner Keramik designs are
known and distributed all over the world. All is hand-made and hand-painted in
the Gmundner factory and over 5000 pieces are produced every day.
10h30 13h00 Visite
du constructeur de bateaux éléctrique FRAUSCHER, visiting shipyard. FRAUSCHER
is building only electrical boats for individuals, the technical performances and the design
turned them world famous. An innovation company:
12h00 14h00 déjeuner
à l'hôtel Seehotel Schwan (Arrivée Bruno Marion)
14h00 15h00 Promenade
d'une heure au bord du lac, walking on the border of the lake or monter avec le téléferique
au Gruenberg et faire promenade (ca. 35
min) Jusqu'au Laudachsee et se parlant mutuellement 5 min avec chaque personne
taking cable car for Gruenberg and walking to Laudachsee a lovely mountain
lake, talks with each other, 5 min with each person while walking)
Tour de bateau de ligne sur le lac Traunsee
16h00 16h45 Presentation du projet OTELO de Martin
17h00 18h00 Confèrence
de Michel Saloff Coste, innovation,
eco-systèmes d'innovation, comparaison Califonie-Bavière
Conference by
Michel Saloff Coste, innovation, eco-systemes of innovation, comparing
California to Baviere Germany
19h00 Diner à l'hôtel Seehotel Schwan ou Restaurant Fisch
und Pasta
Nuit à
l'hôtel Seehotel Schwan. Night in Seehotel Schwan
Jeudi 19 Mars
07h30 08h30 Petit-déjeuner,
08h30 10h00
Transfert pour LINZ, departure for Linz (ca. 1h by car)
10h00 13h00 Visite
Ars Electronica. ARS ELECTRONICA offre depuis 1979 une découverte des tendencies
futures dans l'Art, la technologie et la socièté. Le Musée et le Future Lab
sont connus et reconnus sur le plan mondial pour la qualité de leur recherches.
Ars Electronica is since 1979 one of the
most important future study center in the world exploring future in technology,
in society and in art. Visit with Horst Hortner Director R&D .
13h00 14h30 Déjeuner
au restaurant CUBUS de Ars Electronica,
lunch in CUBUS Restaurant on the premesis of Ars Electronica.
14h30 16h00 Visite
conference du Musée LENTOS, la collection perpanente et l'exibition LOVE and
LOSS sur les tendances dans la mode. Visiting conference of Museum LENTOS,
permanent collection and exhibition Love and Loss about the evolution of
17h00 Transfert en voiture
Linz à Gmunden, returning to Gmunden (ca. 1h drive)
17h30 18h45 free
time in Gmunden
19h00 20H30 diner at dans une auberge typique: Gruenberg Wirt au
bord du lac. , typical Austrian Inn
Nuit à l'hôtel
Seehotel Schwan, night at hotel.
Vendredi 20 Mars
07h30 08h30
Petit-déjeuner, breakfast
09h00 11h00
Conférence et workshop.
Linda Groff, Bruno
11h00 11h30 Pause
11h30 12h30 Jean
Pierre Aubert
12h30 14h00 Déjeuner,
lunch à l'hôtel . (Départ Bruno Marion)
14h00 15h00
Conférence, workshop
Janet Cesar
15h00 15h30 Pause
15h30 17h30
Debriefing général
L'hôtel Freisitz Roith
est situé sur les berges Est du lac et profite d'une situation géographique idéale
pour admirer des coucher de soleil romantiques. Le bâtiment date du 16ième siècle
et il était transformé en hôtel en 1964. C'est la plus belle adresse du lac
Traunsee et très appreciée pour son emplacement et sa gastronomie de grande
The Schloss
–Castle Freisitz Roith was constructed in 1550 and turned into a high class
hotel in 1964. It is situated on the est rivers of lake Traunsee and is the ideal
place to admire romantic sunsets. The restaurants are appreciated for their
high quality cuisine.
Samedi 21.
Mars 2015
07h30 08h30
Petit-déjeuner, breakfast
08h30 12h00
Transfert Munich (ca. 3 h de route jusqu'à l'aeroport)
(Voyage en voiture
à l'aéroport : JPA, MSC, JP, LG.)
AUBERT, Contrôleur Général
Economique et financier* est titulaire d'un Diplôme de l'Enseignement Supérieur
en Sciences Economiques. Il débute sa carrière comme formateur puis responsable
syndical à la CFDT, d’abord secrétaire confédéral au secteur économique puis
secrétaire national de la Fédération de la Chimie de 1976 à 1982, il rejoint
ensuite la DATAR comme Chargé de Mission au Commissariat à l'Industrialisation
de l'Ouest Atlantique (1982-1984). Appelé en cabinets ministériels, il devient
Conseiller Technique du cabinet de Mme Edith CRESSON, Ministre du Redéploiement
Industriel et du Commerce Extérieur (1984-1986), Chargé de Mission auprès du
Ministre, puis Directeur de Cabinet de Jacques CHÉRÈQUE, Ministre délégué
chargé de l'Aménagement du Territoire et des Reconversions (1988-1991). Il aura
notamment à gérer la restructuration de la sidérurgie lorraine. Entre ses
fonctions ministérielles, Jean-Pierre AUBERT a également assuré les fonctions
de dirigeant et conseil de PME. Chargé de mission du programme européen PHARE
auprès du Gouvernement hongrois pour la politique régionale (1991-1992), il
devient Inspecteur général de l’Industrie et du commerce en 1992 et se verra
confier par le Gouvernement à plusieurs reprises d’importants dossiers de
restructuration industrielle : Chausson à Creil (1995), arrêt de la
centrale Superphenix dans la région de Creys-Malville (1997-98), fermeture des
mines de la Mure en Isère (1996) etc. En 2000, il est chargé par le Premier
ministre Lionel Jospin d’un rapport sur l’accompagnement des restructurations
industrielles et en juillet de la même année il est nommé Délégué
Interministériel aux Restructurations de Défenses (DIRD), et parallèlement
chargé en 2003 par le Premier ministre Jean-Pierre Raffarin de la Mission
Interministérielle sur les Mutations Economiques (MIME). En septembre 2009 il
est nommé Délégué à l'Evolution des Métiers et de l'Emploi du Groupe SNCF et
crée SNCF Développement dont il prend la présidence. Il a également été membre
du Conseil d’Administration de la Fondation SNCF. En 2013, il est chargé par
Jean-Marc AYRAULT, Premier ministre, d’une mission sur l’Anticipation et
l’Accompagnement des Mutations Economiques visant « à étudier, amender,
voire réinventer, les dispositifs nécessaires à l’accompagnement et
l’anticipation des mutations économiques sur le territoire français ». Son
rapport est remis au cabinet du Premier ministre, Manuel Valls en septembre
2014. Jean-Pierre AUBERT a été Professeur Associé à l'Institut d'Administration
des Entreprises (IAE) de l'Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne où il a créé
la chaire MAI (Mutations Anticipations et Innovation) dont il est aujourd’hui
secrétaire général. C'est un spécialiste reconnu des questions de
restructuration industrielle et des mutations économiques ainsi que de l'action
régionale et territoriale et de la conduite du changement.. Jean-Pierre AUBERT
est Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur et Chevalier de l'Ordre National du
Janet César de Pozarnik
Conseillère du Commerce Extérieur de la France, Chapitre Venezuela (CCEF).
Membre du Comité National des Conseillères du Commerce Extérieur de la France
(CNCCEFs). Advanced Diploma
in Intercultural Management, University of Cambridge (UK 2003.) M.A Mc Master
University (Faculty of Science, Canada 1975, major in Remote Sensing applied to
the study of Natural Resources and Land Use Planning., Lic. in Geography (Universidad Central de Venezuela-1971).
Former Board Member of the Issue Management Council (USA). Former Board Member of ARPEL (REGIONAL
CARIBBEAN). Member of ORBICOM (NETWORK OF UNESCO CHAIRS IN COMMUNICATION). The Chase Howard Award winner in 1997 as
recognition to the development of the Issues Management methodology. Broad experience in Remote Sensing research,
Environmental Management at government institutions and in the Oil and Gas
Public Sector. It has been responsible
for a major Latin-American oil company Public Affairs Department-PDVSA
(Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.) and as Deputy Manager of PDVSA’s Office in London
(UK). Specialty areas: Issue Management, Investors Relations, Community
Relations, Stakeholders Management, Business Intelligence, Intercultural
Management, Sustainable Development, Organizational Development. INTELEGO CONSULTORES C.A co-founder in 2006.
Marion will join us to
present the latest developments of his research, and also his book which has
just been released: « Chaos, a User’s Guide: Solutions for Developing
Ourselves, our Communities and Organizations in a Chaotic World». In his
brilliant and provocative book, covering everything from personal relationships
to energy supply to the way we teach our kids, Bruno looks beneath the surface
of the seemingly nonsensical events of our lives and unveils hidden patterns
based on Chaos Theory and fractal images. Through this innovative lens, he
offers us a radical new strategy for our personal and professional lives, as
well as for our institutions and organizations.
Bruno Marion will:
Show us
why and how our world has become chaotic
Tell us
how chaos theory can help us
Help us
to smoothly evolve in this ne chaotic world, giving us several practical
Bruno Marion is not only asking the right
questions, he gives us surprising answers and allows us to build our own
future.In my books and conferences, I offer you new lenses and new tools in order to
live and act in this radically transforming world. I share with you how to
understand and live our personal and family lives, how to behave in our
organizations, our associations, our companies, in this world overrun by an
avalanche of changes.For 25 years now (much longer according to my parents…) I
have been trying to understand the world around me. After the usual school-kid
experiments, growing a bean seed and the like, I figured I would understand the
world by becoming an engineer. Doing so, I did grow in understanding… but not
enough to really figure out the world. I very clearly realized that it was no
longer science that governed the world but economics and business. So I decided
to go in for an MBA. That again did not take me any closer to finding answers
to my fundamental questions of the world…It was then that it dawned on me that
the answer was not here but maybe… on the other side of the world. I thought I
needed to look at things from the other side of the planet and I was off on a
world-tour looking for other cultures, in particular the Eastern. I travelled
for a whole year, during a time when there was neither internet nor mobiles. I
just had my backpack that contained under my shorts and t-shirts, a suit, two
shirts and a pair of town shoes. Those travels exploring the meeting of the
West and the East, led to my first book, Asie, Business et Bonnes
Manières which was to become the first french business guide for
Asia. This book was followed by others, the last to be published
being Réussir avec les Asiatiques. It also led me to delivering many cross-cultural
seminars over the
years.My search continued…I then thought that we should, after all, return to
our base: philosophy. So, like an enthusiastic novice discovering the main
philosophic approaches, I began studying both western and eastern schools, from
ancient times leading up to the Integral philosophy which, without doubt, is
the approach most in resonance with my own vision and our present day world.
And that’s how I beacame co-founder of Université Intégrale de Paris.Ever
since, travelling around the world on a yearly basis and after several years of
meditation, I have finally found out that the sciences, philosophies, spiritual
disciplines, the East, the West, all converged and could very harmoniously give
us new keys to understand this changing world. I wish to share with you what I
discovered and understood along the way. I would like thus to show you that the
world is getting always better as it suffers more and more and… with increasing
speed! To a point where the world has become turbulent and chaotic. I would
like to offer you some very simple tools that are based on one of the most
advanced domains of science: the theories of chaos. And these tools will help
you in analyzing, understanding and acting better in this turbulent, chaotic
Linda Groff is Emeritus
Professor, Political Science and Futures Studies, California State University,
Dominguez Hills, in Carson, California (38 1/2 years, Jan. 1973-June 2011);
still teaching one course per semester (Fall 2011 on). She is Past Coordinator,
Behavioral Science Interdisciplinary Program (13 1/2 years, Fall 1998-June
2011, and Spring 2012 at the Dean’s request), & past Chair, Political
Science Dept. (2 years, 1988-90). She
has also taught four different courses over many years for the Negotiation,
Conflict Resolution, & Peacebuilding M.A. Program at CSUDH.
She is Director, Global Options and Evolutionary Futures Consulting. She teaches, writes, consults, & gives
talks/workshops--in the U.S.A. and globally--on: (1) global futures/
evolution/change, (2) peace/conflict resolution/nonviolence, (3) intercultural/
interreligious dialogue, and (4) spiritual/consciousness topics. She has published 55+ articles, with books in
preparation, in the above areas. [See lists below of articles published,
powerpoint presentations available, courses & workshops taught, and books
in preparation, in the above areas.]
PAST WORK: Linda has been a
professor in: NORTH AMERICA [USA and
Canada: Univ. of British Columbia (one
year, 1970-71, for professor Ole Holsti on leave); California State University,
Fresno (one year, 1971-71, for professor on leave at Chancellor’s Office);
California State University, Dominguez Hills (38 1/2 years, Spring 1973-June
2011; though still teaching one course per semester as Emeritus Professor); and
Lovelace Visiting Professor, Antioch College (1 Qtr., Winter 1995), plus
Faculty member, Antioch Summer Peace Institute (3 summers, 1997, 1998, 1999),
and several workshops, Conflict
Resolution M.A. Program, McGregor School, Antioch University,
Ohio]; EUROPE [Austria: European Peace University (one Qtr., Spring
1996 approx.); and France: appointed Visiting Prof. for course on evolution,
new M.A. in Innovation & Foresight, Universite Angiers, Fall 2012, though
funding fell through at last minute to start the program]; and ASIA [Japan:
Waseda University, Tokyo (one year, 1990-91), where Resident Director,
California State University International Program in Japan and Associate Dean,
International Division, Waseda University, in charge of 21 students from CSU
campuses, & taught two classes to Western and Japanese students].
DEGREES: M.A., M.A.L.D., &
Ph.D., International Relations, The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy (at
Tufts University, in association with Harvard University, and the oldest
graduate school of International Studies in the U.S.), and B.A., English Major
and German Minor, University of Michigan.
Introductory Japanese, and attended intensive Japanese Studies Program one
summer at San Diego State University before taking 21 students to Japan for a
year. Studied Arabic at American
University in Cairo one summer during graduate school, paid for by U.S. State
Dept./AID Counterpart Funds. Studied
three years of German at University of Michigan as an undergraduate, and lived
with a German-speaking family in Kindberg, Steiermark, Austria, one summer on
the Experiment in International Living.
Studied French at Harvard University one summer to learn to translate
from French to English for graduate language exam. Also passed
German language exam for graduate school degree.
Professional Organizations and Conference Planning Committees: Active in various professional organizations
and conference planning committees, including:
World Future Society (Planning Committee, Global Conference, 7/03; and
Co-Chair, earlier S. Ca. Conference); World Futures Studies Federation
(Fellow); International Peace Research Association (past Council member
representing N. America, 6 years, and again 4 years, 2010-2014; and Convener or
Co-Convener, Religion and Peace Commission, 10 years); Peace & Justice Studies
Association; Society for Intercultural Education, Training, & Research;
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (Planning Committee, S. Ca.
Pre-Parliament Events for Global Conferences, including 2003 and 2009); S. Ca.
Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (planning L.A./S. Calif.
Interfaith Conferences); United Religions Initiative (N. America Summit
Planning Committee); three UNESCO Conferences on Religion and Peace (invited
participant/presenter, helping draft conference declarations);
Unity-and-Diversity World Council (S. Calif. Planning Committee and facilitator
for all-day Peace Convergence Process, 2012; then Planning Committee for
monthly Culture of Peace Series in L.A., Jan. 2013-April 2014); Board member,
Association for Humanistic Psychology, L.A. Chapter (which organized large AHP
Conference in L.A.); and other organizations.
Linda regularly attends conferences of a number of these organizations,
presents papers and organizes sessions, and has been on organizing committees
for various regional, national, and international conferences.
Editorial and Advisory Boards:
Editorial Board, International Journal of Peace Studies (1996 on). Editorial Board, Journal of Future
Studies (2007 on). Guest Editorial Board, Second and Third
Special Cultural Issues of FUTUREtakes (2008, and 2009), and General Editorial
Board, FUTUREtakes (2009 on). Advisory
Board, Lifeboat Foundation (2008 on).
International Advisory Board, Toda Institute for Global Peace and Public
Policy (2000 on). Advisory Board,
Globalization for the Common Good.
Advisory Board, Transformations Journal (Poland). Steering Cmte./Board, Southern California
Committee for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (2007-2011, & 2012 on),
and Westside Interfaith Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (2011
on). Past Board Member and current
Advisory Board, Unity-and-Diversity World Council.
Editorial Work, Special Journal Issues:
(1) Solicited articles for, and Co-Editor with Rima Shaffer, of Special
Issue on theme of “Complex Adaptive Systems and Futures Thinking: Theories, Applications, and Methods” for last
issue of Futures Research Quarterly (Fall 2008), along with additional articles
on this theme published in subsequent issues of its successor, World Future
Review (Winter 2009+), both published by the World Future Society. (2) Helped Come Carpentier, General Editor,
World Affairs: The Journal of
International Issues (published in India), get articles from futurists for
three special issues on “World Futures and the Future Evolution of Humanity”
(2010 & 2011)—including two articles by Linda for two special futures
issues and a Guest Editorial for a third special futures issue. (3) Currently getting futurists to write
articles for Special Issue of World Future Review, published by the World
Future Society, for October 2014, on theme of “Future Human Evolution.”
Michel Saloff-Coste is
an international integral and global futurist, researcher, business advisor and
entrepreneur working with individuals, corporations and governments to foster
“fast insights into alternative futures”. He is a respected analyst and keynote
speaker and has addressed many of the most important companies in the world
raising global future issues and creating awareness. As well as being a skilled facilitator,
he delivers engaging, transformational and inspirational speeches and
workshops. Operating professionally in Europe, United States and Asia,
Michel has a broad experience in transition management, organizational culture,
consumer behavior, business development and applied futures studies. He handles
a broad range of topics within the realm of futures studies and innovation, as
well as future paradigms in a range of specific sectors and industries. In the field of technology
Michel explores news uses and its significance for society and modern living. He likes to imagine the future with innovative
and creative figures in a wide range of fields and industries and he knows how
to translate those strategic insights into leading, sustainable organizations
and ecosystems. It was indeed
Michel’s role as a consultant in management strategy and communication, which
inspired him to carry out more fundamental research on alternative futures. He
even went as far as directing a multidisciplinary workshop on societal change,
from 1985 to 1987, at the Ministry of Research in France. Michel used his
research in the writing of popular books and numerous papers on leadership,
21st century and the information society. Among his great achievements is the
founding of the Club of Budapest in France, which is an international
non-profit organisation dedicated to encouraging people to discuss complex
global issues. In 1991 he joined the Bossard Consulting Group Capgemini as
Senior consultant and research director. Michel then went on to create his own
research and consultancy firm, MSC, between 1993 and 2005, dealing with future studies,
management, strategy, communication and global governance. At the same time he
taught vanguard management in HEC Paris since 1990. In 2011 he became head for
R&D and International development of In Principo, an avant-garde Consulting
firm, specialised in innovation and co-creation. In 2012 he was the founder of
Design me a planet an NGO dedicated to researching solutions for global issues
on a planetary level and in the long
term. In 2013 he became International Development Associate at Copenhagen Institute for
Futures Studies and in September 2014 Executive Director at Future Innovation
Institute in Lille Catholic University.
never stopped dedicating some of his free time to his talent as a contemporary
artist. Michel has explored a wide variety of mediums: painting, photography,
video and music. His work has been exhibited and collected by many private
galleries and individuals, but also leading art institutions such as the Museum
of Modern Art in Paris, Centre George Pompidou.
main focus of Michel Saloff-Coste’s research and the subject matter of many of
his books is on the paradigm shift within the information society that he
himself defines as a 'Creation-Communication Society'. He defines the evolution
of civilization in four waves: namely 'hunting & gathering', 'agriculture
& breeding,' 'industry & commerce,' and 'creation & communication'.
Saloff-Coste further developed his framework with Carine Dartiguepeyrou and
together they outlined ten long-term visions of the future called 'horizons'.
Their collaborative work was published in a co-authored book, “Les Horizons du
days Michel’s passions include the research of:
- The major tendencies that transform development
of our civilization at a planetary level
- The changes needed in countries and companies in
terms of culture, management, system and structure.
- How economic, social and ecological development
can be matched to make sense for the future of mankind.
personal aspiration is to help catalyze the emerging new civilization,
co-create a world sustainable business model and bring beauty, verity and
ethics for a better world. As an integral activist he studies and promotes the
political development of eco-villages and eco-towns based on collective
systemic ecological intelligence and creation.
Michel Saloff Coste worked with remarkable People as
Ervin Laszlo, Gilles Deleuze, Andy Warhol, Thierry Gaudin, Phillipe Starck,
Karl Lagarfeld, Jacques Delord ….. as well as some of the most daring leading breakthrough
organizations such as : 3Suisses Apple Bel Bonduelle CDC Décathelon Edf ESSEC France Télécom HEC Peugeot PPR Rand Reebok Kompass L'oréal Science Po Sodexho Ministère de la Recherche Commission Européen.
Author of numerous bestseller
books, Michel Saloff Coste is regularly interviewed in press, radio and
Principal publication: Vêpres Laquées Baudouin 1979, Paris la nuit Balland 1982, Le management systémique de la complexité Aditech
Ministère de la Recherche 1990, Le
management du troisième millénaire Guy Trédaniel 1991 1999 et 2005, The Information Révolution and the Arab
World Edition ECSSR 1999, Manifeste pour la technologie au service
de l'homme
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble 2000, Les Horizons du Futur Guy Trédaniel 2001, Year in perspective
World Business Academy 2002, Trouver son génie Guy Trédaniel 2005, La
société de l'information enjeu stratégique Revue Agir 2005, Le dirigeant du troisième millénaire
Editions d'Organisation 2006, Mimétisme et singularité deux leviers de
croissance La Revue de Kea 2006, La stratégie créative de
singularisation La Revue de Kea 2007, Le
DRH du troisième millénaire Village Mondial Pearson 2007 2008, Réenchanter le futur Village Mondial
Pearson 2009, Prospective d'un monde en
mutation Edition de l'Harmattan 2010, Au-delà
de la crise financière Edition de l'Harmattan 2011, Les voies de la résilience Edition de l'Harmattan 2012, La nouvelle avant garde Edition de
l'Harmattan 2013, Post-histoire Amazon 2014, Planetary futures Amazon 2014, Design me a planet Amazon 2014, Quelle énergie à long terme pour le futur de
la planète terre ? IFP Amazon 2014, L'arbre
de la vie Nextedition 2014, Le secret
de Julia, Nextedition 2014, Le futur contemporain
: une boite à outils pour l'innovation intégrale Nextedition 2014.
Stumpfoll Née à Wels en
Autriche dans une famille de professeurs et d'artistes.
As a globetrotter Elisabeth
Stumpfoll is living between Paris, Austria and the Middle East. After studies
in tourisme and foreign languages she moved to France and started her interest
in modern and contemporary art. After an experience of managing her gallery in
south of France during 5 years she specialized in Master Graphics of the XXth
Century. She is now an international Expert in this field and member of the
"Chambre Syndicale de l'Estampe et du Dessin à Paris".
Claudine Villemot-Kienzle is Social architect, human resources trainer, facilitator and consultant for transculturalism and value systems in organizational and global contexts. Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Human Emergence, Germany – Austria - Switzerland, an organization for designing social evolution and shaping the future of humankind based on an integral and holistic approach. Member of the “international Spiral Dynamics group” led by Dr. Don Beck, Certified Trainer for “Spiral Dynamics integral”. Certified “Agent of Conscious Evolution” by Barbara M. Hubbard. She also works as a choreographer and artistic director. She is co-founder and chairman of the "artLAB Cénacle de fous" an artist lab, that commits to overarching, interdisciplinary research and experimental design beyond the established artistic divisions. The focus of her work lies in interdisciplinary co-creation and integration of different fields of the social body such as art, social sciences, technologies, economics, healthcare….Her vocational arousal focuses on the unique global paradigm shift we are entering at the threshold of a new world order. To facilitate the transition she has initiated the conception and development of a fresh and unique curriculum as “Social Architect”. People acquire evolutionary core competencies to address efficiently and wisely the complexity and diversity of our global challenges in the 21th century and learn how to build smart bridges between the “Old” that works and the emerging “New” in people, cultures and systems. Architecte sociale, formatrice-consultante spécialisée en management des valeurs, transculturalité et évolution consciente. Co-fondatrice du Centre pour l'Emergence humaine, Allemagne - Autriche - Suisse, une organisation vouée au développement sociétal et au design du futur sur la base d´une approche intégrale et à la recherche de nouvelles formes d´architecture sociale aptes à répondre à la complexité des défis auxquels nous faisons face. Membre du " Spiral Dynamique Group international " dirigé par Dr Don Beck. Chorégraphe et directeur artistique, elle est co-fondatrice et présidente de " ARTLAB //Cénacle de fous " un laboratoire artistique qui expérimente l´application d´un concept intégral au-delà des divisions artistiques établies. L'objectif majeur de son travail réside dans la co-création transdisciplinaire et l'intégration des différents domaines du corps social tels que l'art, les sciences sociales, les technologies, l'économie, la santé ....Elle se concentre maintenant sur la préparation des individus et des collectifs au changement de paradigme majeur qui s´amorce au niveau global. Pour faciliter cette transition elle a créé et développé une formation singulière et innovante d´ « Architecte Social ». Les personnes acquièrent des compétences et des pratiques pour pouvoir faire face à la complexité et la diversité de nos défis à l´échelle planétaire et apprendre à construire des ponts entre ce qui fonctionne de l´ancien et l´émergence du nouveau au niveau individuel, organisationnel et sociétal.
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