
2015 01 24 Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom with Esther Wojcicki

Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom with Esther Wojcicki

Changing the culture of a classroom can seem as daunting and impossible as a moonshot, but as the aeronautic heroes of the 1960s found a way to achieve their goal, Esther Wojcicki insists that teachers of vision and determination can reach theirs as well. Wojcicki will present her recently released book Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom, in which she encourages transformation through the concepts of TRICK--trust, respect, independence, collaboration and kindness.

Esther Wojcicki, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at MediaX at Stanford, and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Creative Commons, has been involved in the Open Education initiative since 2005 and has worked extensively on the Open Textbook initiative.  
She transformed the journalism program at Palo Alto High School from a small program involving 19 students into the largest journalism program in the nation involving more than 600 students and four journalism teachers.

It is now a four-part program (Broadcast Journalism, Magazine Journalism, Web Journalism and Newspaper Journalism) that has garnered extensive national recognition. The Campanile, the student newspaper she advises, was chosen as the most outstanding high school newspaper in the nation by Time Magazine and Time for Kids in 2002. It was also given multiple Crown Awards by Columbia Scholastic Press Association over the years, and awarded PaceMaker Awards by National Scholastic Press Association.  
Esther Wojcicki was California Teacher of the year in 2002, is in the Hall of Fame at National Scholastic Press, received the Gold Key Award from Columbia University, and recently was awarded an honorary doctoral degree by Palo Alto University. 
In 2012 she addressed the G20 conference in Mexico.  She is also CEO of ClassBadges.com, and has written for The Los Angeles TimesTime magazine, and the HuffingtonPost.  She received her B.A in political science and English and Master of Journalism degree at University of California, Berkeley, and a Master of the Arts in Education Computer Technology at San Jose State University.

Sponsored in part by the Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School.


Saturday, January 24
7:30 PM
Albert and Janet Schultz Cultural Arts Hall
$10 Advance Registration
$15 At The Door
Jen O'Leary | (650) 223-8664 | joleary@paloaltojcc.org

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